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the absence of subject

The inspiration ... 

I was inspired by images reminiscent of early Victorian street photography using daguerreotypes where exposure times required were so long that moving objects failed to record in the photograph.  Additionally, the American photographer Michael Somoroff erased the subject in his series 'Absence of Subject', retaining only the background, removing what we have always believed to be the “essential element” — the subject, the portrait.

Combining these concepts, I used used dense neutral density filters that allowed me to increase exposure times into minutes, during which, the bustle of life simply fades away. 


Louis Daguerre, Paris Boulevard, 1839, Daguerreotype

Louis Daguerre, Paris Boulevard, 1839, Daguerreotype

M1 - Tuesday morning flow

M1 - Tuesday morning flow

M25 and M1 interchange

M25 and M1 interchange